Sunday, 19 November 2017

How to Remove Write Protection on SD Card

Hello guys, today I'll be teaching you on how to remove write protection
on an SD Card, in other words, how
to unlock an SD
card so that you can store/copy files and data on it.

Read And Follow The Steps Below;

Place the SD card on a flat surface with the label facing upward. 

If you are using a micro- or mini-SD
card, insert it into an SD card
adapter, and place the adapter on a
flat surface.

Locate the lock switch. It should be
on the upper-left side of the SD card.

The lock switch is typically a small
white or silver tab that protrudes
from the left side of the SD card.

Slide the lock switch toward the top
of the SD card until it stops. 

This turns off the SD card's write protection and
enables you to store files and data on the card. 


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