Wednesday 26 October 2016

My life in Hilton high school

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,but do so with all your heart.” – Marcus Aurelius


I stared at Elena thinking of the best reply to give her,
Truth be told, I so much love Elena, she was the first girl that made my heart beat, But Nifemi was there when my world was crumbling, but Elena just abandoned me, without even giving me the opportunity to explain myself.

” What do you say best” Elena asked jolted me from the realms of thoughts and bring back to reality.

I stared at her. “Elena I love you more than you can ever imagined, but you broke up with me without even giving me an atom of opportunity to explain myself, you even mocked me, after everything I went in the hands of the snoop just because of you, you still left me and what pained me most was when you start mingling with the snoop ” I poured out to her making her conscience to flogged her.

” Best I am sorry for the pain and anguished you went through, please believe me, I regret my actions that’s why I am here so we could start all over again, please let’s reconcile “Elena pleaded putting me in a tight corner.

I love her but I also love Nifemi, who should I pick .?

” I can’t just reconcile with you, it’s never going be the same Elena ” I said to her.

” Best I know that, but we could try and make it the same, I love you” she replied with shaky voice

” Elena as much I wanted to reconcile with you, but I am now in love with someone else, I am in love with Nifemi, my feelings for her had became magnified as you broke up with me, please let’s just be friends ” I poured out to her while she drew back in disbelief .

” You mean you are leaving me for that b---h ” she bark surprising me with her outburst, making me to stared at her in awe..

“For your information she is not a b---h, please don’t ever called her that” I warned while she pushed me, making me to hit my back on the wall.

“you will pay for this, no guy had ever breakup with me, you and your b---h of a girlfriend would pay for this, just marked my words ” she bark leaving me dumbfounded. She just left while I battled with my thoughts.

what does she mean by” we would pay this ” I hope she wouldn’t try something stupid.

I left the corridors and walked to my hostel.

I went to lie on the bed thinking of Elena’s threat, even though her father is the owner of the school that doesn’t mean she could harm me or Nifemi, what could she even do? . I thought to myself thinking what she have in her mind, I knew she was very angry when I told her I was in love with Nifemi, but truth be told Nifemi was a God sent, being with her made me happy she was calm, intelligent, beautiful, amiable, the only quality Elena passed her with was that she was more beautiful than her. I laid on the bed clouded with my thoughts, I didn’t even remember when I drafted to a deep slumber which I woke up the next day, I quickly got prepared for school, I walked to school anticipating to see Nifemi, I knew I had not officially asked her out, and I had planned on doing that today, making her my official girlfriend.

Miss gift came and taught us, without requesting to see me in her office, while Mr Peter on his own part was just smiling as if he was one of the Nigeria players that Mr Katsuya Takasu rewarded in the 2016 Olympic.
I guess miss gift had reconcile with him .

During break I went to sit with Nifemi, I quickly used the opportunity to asked her to be my girlfriend which she replied Yes putting a smile on my face.

Suddenly The principal came to the class….

“We are looking for an iPhone 6, everybody should come out now, we are going to searched all the class, ” principal ordered while we all came out, everybody from SS1 to SS3 came out because the principal said the phone must have be stolen by a senior because his office was closed to the seniors classes.

” Please if you knew that the phone is with you, just returned it to avoid further embarrassments “the principal warned but nobody came out, he quickly asked us to stay outside why our bags where been searched from inside.

We waited outside for more than one hour before we heard the maths teacher scream.” I had found it!!” Mr Peter shouted while all eyes where on him.

He came to where we are and brought the phone and a bag which looked like mine.” who is the owner of this bag” he asked, he moved close to us, I stared at the bag with great astonishment it was my bag, I was dumbfounded, downcast, perplexed at the same time how come the phone got to my bag I thought to myself.

“who owns this bag ” the principal voiced out.

” It’s me ” I said from behind while all eyes were on me. ..


To be continued



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